From time to time during your event, you may receive a survey from your Group Leader. This survey can be about several different subjects.
The first survey could be about the event to have itself to help the group leader you choose an event that you would most likely want to join. This is to give the Group Leader an idea of what to base the event around based on the votes.
You may receive other surveys about different attractions they may want to include like a workshop or maybe even dinner plans.
You may also receive a post event survey from your Group Leader to provide some feedback on the event itself and how they did as the Group Leader.
The notification for this survey would appear at the top of the “Event Details” page when you view your event from the “Dashboard”. You will see a link that reads “A new survey is available”
By clicking on this link in the upper right-hand corner of the page, You will get a window showing the title of the survey and to begin, simply click “Begin Survey”.
Another location would be on the right side of the Event Overview as you scroll down. You will see a tab called “Survey”. If you open that box you will see the survey name, the date the survey was created or updated. To take the survey, simply click the “Complete” button next to the survey you would like to take.
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