So you've created an event and you want to view and update the details of it. From your “Dashboard” simply click on “View Details” to the right of the event you are wanting to see. There is a lot of different details you can both view and customize for your event. The following information will detail each section of your event.
At the very top of the page you will see the options to edit the event, add another activity, and under more options you’ll locate your Event Report and Itinerary Report.
Guest Status and Payments
Right across the top of the page you will see several different colored boxes. By clicking in these boxes you can view the information they are listed as.
- Invited - This will show you the guests that you have invited to your event. In this box you can invite more people to your special day by clicking the plus sign within the box, view a list of all of the people that have been invited by clicking the paper, and even send messages to the entire group of everyone listed in that box by clicking the envelope.
- Accepted - Here you will see the number of guests that you have invited that have accepted your invite and want to partake in this special event. You can view the list of all of the guests who have accepted by clicking the piece of paper and also send messages to the entire group by clicking the envelope.
- Tentative - This will show the number guests that you’ve invited that are not really sure if they are going to join yet. Again, you can view the list of guests in this group by clicking the paper and send messages to the entire group by clicking the envelope.
- Declined - Here you can view the number of guests that regrettably cannot make the trip on that day. Once more you can view the list of names by clicking the piece of paper and send messages to the entire group of everyone listed in that box by clicking the envelope.
- Payments Received - Here you will see the amount you have received as payment thus far compared the the total amount due. By clicking the piece of paper, you can view the date a payment was received, the way the payment was recorded, the guest who made the payment, the amount and the status. By clicking plus sign in that box, it will allow you to record a payment you have received outside of GroupTools.
- Supplier Payments - This provides you the information of how much has been paid to the supplier of the tickets compared to the total amount owed. Again, you can click the piece of paper to view the date of the payment, how it was processed, who the supplier was, the amount, and the status. Once more, by clicking the plus sign you can record a payment to them. This must be recorded manually.
Open Tasks
The next section will only be visible if there is anything that needs to be done to continue with creating an event. It will be called “Open Tasks” and will provide alerts for any pending actions needed to be completed as a group leader for an event.
Event Details
The next section down would be your Event Details section that will provide your guests all of the information for the scheduled event.
By clicking “Change Photo / Edit Event” in the middle of the photo area or the first box in the upper right hand corner of your page, you can customize your options for the event. In this field you can rename your event, add/edit a description of event, add tags and even add a photo of your choice to your event.
As the Group Leader you can set limitations on what your guests can see and do. You can set the visibility options to private or public, you can choose if your guests will be allowed to invite others to your event and if you choose yes, you can set a limited amount of guests they can invite. You will be able to allow the guests to view who else would be attending the event and also list if you yourself will be attending.
Under the photo you will notice a section to access a “public URL”. This will allow you to post a link to your event on a website, share via social media, or through an email. This link allows Group Leaders to share general information about an event with a public audience. You will have the ability to copy the URL to paste anywhere you would like or you can share directly through Facebook, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, or add it directly to an email.
If you continue down you will see the “Event Details” you have set up for your event and as a group leader will have the option to edit the information by clicking the "Edit Details" button. It will default with the following information in 3 sections.
Section 1 will be the activity details
- Name
- Date
- Time
- Description
- Venue/Location
- Address
Section 2 will be the ticket details
- Deposit amount (optional)
- Deposit Due Date (optional)
- Final Payment Due Date (required)
*Note: If you click the “Advanced Mode” button, you will be able to add information for the “Supplier Minimum Quantity” and “Supplier Pay Date”. Both of these fields are optional.
Section 3
- You have the ability to change the photo from this screen by clicking the photo and uploading a new one.
- “Display Order” will allow you to change the order the activities are listed on your event. * * Note: Leaving it at 0 will default it to the order they were entered.
The bottom of this section will reflect the same information that appears in the colorful boxes at the top of the page.
You can minimize this section by clicking the arrow at the top of the box. This will shrink the tab to the left side of the page to allow you to view the following areas in a bigger screen.
There are several collapsible accordions located on the right side of the page where you will be able to view Attendees, Your Guests (+1’s), Payments Received, Supplier Payments, Survey, Forms, Event-Related Messages, and Edit History.
- Your Guests (+1’s) - Your Guests are members of your party that you are financially responsible for. To add guests, please click the “Add” button within this accordion.
- Payments Received - List of payments received from your attendees. This list can include payments made by the attendees through this application, or can be entered directly by you, the Group Leader, by clicking the “Record payment” button within this accordion.
- Supplier Payments - This is a record of payments made to the supplier. To journal a supplier payment, click the “Record Payment” button within this accordion.
- Survey - This accordion contains all surveys related to this event. These may include surveys used to create the event, feedback surveys, post event surveys, etc. You can view survey results or create new ones by clicking “Create New Survey”. All surveys are available to accepted attendees.
- Forms - Forms can be permission slips or waivers that may or may not be required for an event. This section allows you to record when forms are delivered to and received from your attendees. To add a new form, simply click the “New Form” button within this accordion.
- Event Related Messages - This section will show you any messages you have received or sent pertaining to the specific event you are viewing.
- Edit History - Edit history will show you when key elements of your event have been modified and by whom. Edit history will also show key tasks such as when invitations were sent out and when attendee payments have been received.
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